Multicampus experience with the GBBA
A multi-campus experience

The unique personality of the Global BBA program lies in a pedagogical approach based on experiential learning and the opportunities for a multi-campus experience.
You will have the possibility of changing campus during your years of study at emlyon business school. In the 4th year some of the major courses are specific to each campus.
- Lyon campus, in France's second-biggest city
- Paris campus, in the capital of France
- Shanghai campus, in the economic capital of People’s Republic of China
- Mumbai campus, in the financial capital of India
Learn more about our campuses:
A multi-campus program
In addition to the multi-campus experience, academic exchanges and double degree programs are another way to develop your international exposure.
Currently, about 90 partners of emlyon business school already offer specific exchange opportunities for the Global BBA students, amongst which:
Brasil FGV, São Paulo | Canada HEC Montréal | College of Business, China City University of Hong Kong | Finland Aalto University School of Business | Germany Universität Mannheim | Italy Bocconi University | Japan Waseda University |Russia University of Finance |Australia Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University …
emlyon business school has developed Double Degree Programs for the Global Bachelor in Business Administration in cooperation with prestigious universities in the world (FGV Fondation Getúlio Vargas, Brasil, Aston Business School, UK, Murray State University, USA, Glendon College, Canada).
Map of university partners
I think that one of the positive points of the Global BBA is the opportunity to discover new cultures. I was in Finland, surrounded by people from all over the world with different backgrounds and varied profiles. It is this human aspect and this interest in others that you share during the Global BBA.
Chaïmae in exchange at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland
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