Focus on emlyon business school

New world, new educational vision and new modes of learning
In a complex world overturned by unprecedented changes where former economic and growth models need to be redesigned. In an environment where artificial intelligence changes the place of man at work, and profoundly transforms tomorrow’s jobs.
In an economy where immediacy rules, where rapidity, reactivity and adaptability endow unprecedented competitive advantages. emlyon business school chose to transform its pedagogical approach and its vision of a business school founded on a new concept, the early maker.
Today being a maker is holding your life in your own hands, being the actor and entrepreneur of your existence, in a collaborative approach, turning Do It Yourselfers into Do It Togetherers. This concept embodies what we believe entrepreneurs should be: those who try out, experiment, make mistakes, start over, and learn as they go along.

Rankings & accreditations
emlyon business school is one of the rare few to have achieved the triple-crown accreditation: AACSB, Equis and AMBA.
Only 1% of the world’s establishments have achieved this triple-crown accreditation, thereby acknowledging the pedagogical efforts, the resources and the dynamism of the strategic orientations the School is providing all year round.

News & events
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