Financing your Global BBA

Tuition Fees


For the 2024 intake :

For admission in 1st year:

  • Tuition fees: €13,150 per year
  • Student services fees: €450 per year
  • Total tuition fees: €13,600 per year

For admission in 2nd year:

* Tuition fees: €13,450 per year
* Student services fees: €450 per year
* Total tuition fees: €13,900 per year

For admission in 3rd year:

* Tuition fees: €14,150 per year
* Student services fees: €450 per year
* Total tuition fees: €14,600 per year


Tuition fees including emlyon business school lifelong membership, administrative fees, and international mobility insurance.

Ask us for some information and assistance on how to finance your emlyon business school Global BBA and your future return on investment.

Before your arrival

Tuition fees discounts for early bird applicants

emlyon waives a discount of the tuition fees for the admitted international students applying with the first and second session. You can check the session schedule here.

State Scholarships

Some countries offer specific scholarships to their nationals. We advise you to contact your dedicated governmental entities or organizations or to visit the Campus France Bourse catalogue website.

Other grants and aids

Find more information about financial aid as well as other useful information for international students in France here.

After your arrival

Mobility Scholarship from the Rhône-Alpes Region - EXPLO'RA SUP scholarships

These scholarships may help you to finance your internships abroad (minimum of 4 weeks) or your exchange programs abroad (minimum of 8 weeks) with emlyon business school partners Universities.

Get to know more