"My name is Charlène Grandiowsky, I am 21 years old and currently in the second year of the Global BBA program at emlyon business school. I obtained my high school certificate in scientific studies and followed this with one year of higher school preparatory classes (Classes préparatoires aux Grandes Ecoles) in Dijon. I chose to terminate my preparatory studies to directly join the Global BBA program since this appeared more internationally and professionally orientated. I was not mistaken: I had the opportunity to undergo my first professional experience with the L’Oréal group at the end of my first year and I am currently preparing to leave for Bangkok for my first professional immersion abroad. After this experience I will start my next academic year in Montreal in Canada as part of the university exchange scheme proposed by the Global BBA program.
In addition to providing openings on the world in general and its professional orientation, the Global BBA program offers many very enriching courses with full time teachers or lecturers coming from the business world. The volume of group work allows us to get to know each other better and to develop our managerial skills and our autonomy.
Associative activities are also very important! I had the chance of being able to join the Junior Consulting group which guaranteed a year full of emotions and encounters. At emlyon business school we are constantly pushed to stretch ourselves, to come out of our comfort zone, to create the world of tomorrow !"