Axel Palermo, Chief Operating Officer at OUIcoding
👉 Why did you decide to join emlyon's BBA? What were your expectations?

The Global BBA at emlyon is a post-baccalaureate program. I couldn't see myself waiting another 2 years in preparatory class to subsequently enter this school. I preferred to seize the opportunity to enter after my high school diploma. The program also seemed very focused on international aspects, which was a decisive factor for me. I wanted to learn and understand the business world, which still seems so unclear after high school; to find sectors within a company that interested me but also where I could feel useful.
To this day, I think my expectations would remain relatively the same but, now knowing how companies operate, I would like to deepen the challenges of each department as well as the overall challenges they face.
👉 During these four years, what difficulties have helped you the most? Are these difficulties specific to you?
Internship periods abroad confront you with reality and your responsibilities. They make you grow rapidly and gain confidence. You also find more interest in classes because you understand the practical aspect that follows.
👉 Today, with your maturity, how do you use the skills you have acquired through your work to overcome these difficulties, these challenges?
Experience, even brief, allows you to better understand or comprehend certain situations. However, questions remain the best weapon even to this day. Understanding is learning.
👉 If you had to summarize your experience at emlyon in one word?
👉 During these four years, what is your worst/best memory at emlyon (during classes, internships, etc.)?
Best: The PCE (Entrepreneurial Creation Project). This project throughout the second year allowed me to better understand the complexities of a company but above all made me aware of the usefulness of all the subjects taught.
Worst: Internship in Vietnam. It was a "fake internship". The company did not exist. We didn't work.
👉 What is your greatest pride? What do you regret the most?
Pride: emlyon allowed me to become the Swiss Army knife that I am. I understand and learn every day in different departments of the company (HR, Sales, Finance, etc.). The numerous projects we had to undertake, often a large number at the same time during these 4 years, allow me today to be very organized and to know how to prioritize.
Regret: None
👉 Now, what is your profession? In which sector do you work?
I am the COO (Chief Operating Officer) at OUIcoding, an IT consulting company.