The current GBBA cohort exemplifies the international scope of the program and its appeal to students worldwide, drawing participants from a diverse range of countries. Melissa El Sokhen (Lebanon), Dmytro Hlumenko (Ukraine), and Eduard Scholl (Germany) explain the reasons behind their choice of studies, the structure that helped them settle into life at emlyon, and the main takeaways from this key stage in their educational and professional journey.

What motivated your choice of program?

Melissa: “I was specifically looking for a program that would add to the skills I had acquired in previous studies but also test me, to see what I might be capable of in the future in the business world.”


Dmytro: “My life took a significant turn when the war forced me to leave my home country and seek refuge in France. However, the way I was embraced by the local community meant that I could then turn my attentions to the educational opportunity awaiting me.”


Eduard: “First and foremost, I wanted to explore learning opportunities beyond my native Germany. The prospect of studying the GBBA in France offered the perfect chance for personal growth and cultural immersion.”

To what extent did emlyon business school influence your decision?

Melissa: “I had done my homework, so was well aware of the prestigious reputation of the school, plus emlyon offered opportunities that a lot of other schools on the market didn’t.”


Dmytro: “The chance to experience another culture and learn another language at emlyon were among the reasons, plus I had researched the school’s very hands-on teaching approach via group projects, field studies, and business games. These ticked the boxes for me.”


Eduard: “The standing of the school’s faculty and its reputation for innovative teaching methods were key factors for me, plus the prospects of learning from and alongside peers from all over the world.”

How did you settle into life on campus?

Campus Gerland, emlyon business school

Melissa: “The school pulled out all the stops to welcome us international students, organizing an amazing week-long series of induction events designed to familiarize us with the campus and the city of Lyon itself. This helped us get acquainted with our surroundings and also one another.”


Dmytro: “The way in which the school gets you involved in group projects helps a great deal – you’re learning not just about aspects of business but also gaining insight into other cultures and people, how they think, and how we can all work together. Cross-cultural communication is key to doing business but it also helped us bond in the early days.”


Eduard: “The emphasis the school puts on linguistic skills and embracing so many different cultures helps us not only work more effectively together but also engenders a spirit of intellectual curiosity, all against the backdrop of a vibrant city like Lyon. We’re all very different but quickly felt like we belonged.”

What were the main highlights of the program?

Melissa: “I thought that coming to a new country, having to make new friends, and study areas such as project management, accounting, and marketing of which I had no prior knowledge would be tough. However, thanks to the way the program is set up and how welcoming my peer group was, I rose to the challenge, improving my communication and social skills and taking in new knowledge and skills without fear of failure.”


Dmytro: “Becoming an international student at emlyon opened up a world of possibilities. I was captivated by the program and the chance to engage with peers from around the globe. My first year was filled with diverse subjects ranging from project management to digital technology, all underscored by the school's emphasis on practical, real-world learning. While I dearly miss my home country, family, and friends, I am confident that I am on the right path.”


Eduard: “The corporate angle to studies at emlyon are an opportunity not to be missed, be it the many internship openings or the part played by the school’s extensive network of industry partners. All the connections you make with the business world are meaningful and serve you in great stead for your future career. Throughout the program you get to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings and develop essential skills for the job market you are about to enter., which is invaluable.”

What do you consider the key takeaways from the student experience?

Melissa: “Each course has its own objectives and has enabled me to develop skills such as leadership, problem solving, critical thinking, and decision-making. The program has challenged me to work in diverse teams, discover what drives me and overcome my perceived limits. Joining emlyon business school has provided me with an educational experience that has transformed my mindset and set me up for my career.”


Dmytro: “The perfect blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application made for a truly enriching learning experience, one that I feel has prepared me perfectly to deal with the complexities of the business world that await.”


Eduard: “The chance studying at emlyon gave me to become fully trilingual has proven to be a major asset, plus the strategic location of the school in Lyon has created a host of travel and learning opportunities. Above all, the whole student experience has enabled me to grow academically, professionally and personally, which is something you cannot put a price on.”